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The Top 20 Lowest Tax Countries In The World

A Guide On How to Minimize Tax Pressure

If you’re looking for countries with low tax rates, this guide is for you. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the 20 lowest tax countries in the world. These countries offer attractive opportunities for individuals and businesses looking to preserve their wealth and reduce their tax burden. From tax havens to low-tax paradises to strategic destinations for tax planning, there’s something for everyone.

By choosing a country with low tax rates, you can potentially maximize your income and savings. It’s important to understand the concept of tax pressure, which refers to the total tax burden on individuals and businesses in a country. This includes various taxes such as income tax, corporate tax, value-added tax (VAT), property tax, and more. By minimizing tax pressure, you can keep more of your hard-earned money.

Lowest Tax CountriesThe List With Overall Lowest Tax Burden

Are you looking to relocate or invest in a country with a low tax burden? Here are the top 20 lowest tax countries in the world, along with their individual tax systems and benefits:

RankCountryOverall Tax BurdenIncome Tax RateCorporate Tax RateCapital Gains Tax RateVAT Rate
1United Arab Emirates4.60%No income taxNo corporate taxNo capital gains tax5%
2Bahamas8.10%No income taxNo corporate taxNo capital gains taxNo VAT
3Cayman Islands9.00%No income taxNo corporate taxNo capital gains taxNo VAT
4Bahrain9.60%No income taxFlat rate of 5%No capital gains tax5%
5Monaco10.40%Flat rate of 13%No corporate tax for most businessesNo capital gains taxNo VAT
6Oman10.60%Flat rate of 15%Flat rate of 15%No capital gains tax5%
7Vanuatu10.90%No income tax for individualsNo corporate taxNo capital gains taxNo VAT
8The Maldives11.00%Flat rate of 5%No corporate taxNo capital gains tax6%
9Qatar11.10%No income taxFlat rate of 10%No capital gains taxNo VAT
10Anguilla11.50%No income tax for individualsNo corporate taxNo capital gains taxNo VAT
11Turks and Caicos Islands12.00%No income tax for individualsNo corporate taxNo capital gains taxNo VAT
12Andorra12.40%Flat rate of 10%No corporate tax for most businessesNo capital gains tax4.5%
13Cook Islands12.70%No income tax for individualsNo corporate taxNo capital gains taxNo VAT
14Jersey12.70%No income tax for most individualsNo corporate tax for most businessesNo capital gains taxNo VAT
15Guernsey14.10%No income tax for most individualsNo corporate tax for most businessesNo capital gains taxNo VAT
16Saudi Arabia14.40%Flat rate of 20%Flat rate of 20%No capital gains tax5%
17Samoa14.80%Flat rate of 20%No corporate taxNo capital gains tax15%
18Bermuda15.50%No income taxNo corporate taxNo capital gains taxNo VAT
19Isle of Man15.80%No income tax for most individualsNo corporate tax for most businessesNo capital gains taxNo VAT
20St. Kitts and Nevis15.80%Flat rate of 0-20%Flat rate of 33.3%No capital gains tax17%

Key Takeaways:

  • The top 20 lowest tax countries in the world offer opportunities for smarter residency choices.
  • Choosing a country with lower tax pressure can potentially maximize your income and savings.
  • Low tax countries include tax havens, low-tax paradises, and strategic destinations for tax planning.
  • Understanding tax pressure is crucial in minimizing your tax burden.
  • Consult with tax advisors and legal professionals before relocating or investing in these countries.

Understanding Tax Pressure

Before you start exploring the top 20 countries with the lowest tax rates, it’s important to understand the concept of tax pressure. Tax pressure refers to the total tax burden on individuals and businesses in a country. This includes different types of taxes, such as income tax, corporate tax, value-added tax (VAT), property tax, and more. Understanding tax pressure is crucial to making informed decisions about where to live or invest.

When it comes to tax pressure, some countries may have lower overall tax rates, but their tax structures can still be complex and burdensome for certain groups of taxpayers. In contrast, other countries with higher tax rates may provide more comprehensive social welfare programs and better public services that can offset the higher tax burden. Therefore, it’s important to consider both tax rates and the quality of public services when assessing tax pressure in different countries.

Factors Influencing Tax Pressure

The amount of tax pressure can vary widely across different countries, depending on various factors, including:

Economic factorsThe level of economic development, income distribution, and global competitiveness of a country can affect tax pressure.
Fiscal policiesThe tax policies, tax incentives, and government spending decisions of a country can influence tax pressure.
DemographicsThe size and composition of the population, including the age structure, immigration patterns, and labor force participation, can affect tax pressure.
Legal and institutional frameworksThe legal and institutional frameworks, including tax laws, tax administration, and political stability, can affect tax pressure.

By evaluating these factors, you can gain a better understanding of the tax pressure in different countries and make informed decisions about where to reside or invest.

Now that you have a basic understanding of tax pressure and the factors that influence it, it’s time to explore the top 20 countries with the lowest tax rates in the world. Let’s start with the Cayman Islands, a well-known tax haven.

United Arab Emirates: The Desert Jewel of Tax Efficiency

Overall Tax Burden

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) boasts one of the world’s lowest tax burdens, with no income, corporate, or capital gains taxes. The overall tax rate is just 4.60%, with a minimal VAT rate of 5%. This exceptionally low tax burden is a significant draw for businesses and individuals seeking a tax-friendly environment.

Advantages with the United Arab Emirates

  • Tax-Free Income: No personal income tax or corporate tax, making it lucrative for businesses and individuals.
  • Strategic Location: Serves as a global business hub, connecting the East and West.
  • Robust Economy: Strong and diversified economy, not solely reliant on oil.
  • World-Class Infrastructure: Advanced infrastructure, including state-of-the-art facilities for businesses.
  • Stable Political Environment: Known for its political stability, which is conducive for business and investment.

Best for

The UAE is best suited for high-net-worth individuals, expatriates, and international businesses. Its favorable tax policies are particularly beneficial for sectors like real estate, finance, and international trade. The country’s diverse, multicultural landscape also makes it a comfortable destination for expats from all over the world.

Bahamas: Sun, Sea, and Tax Serenity

Overall Tax Burden

The Bahamas offers a remarkably low tax burden, with no income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax, or VAT. The overall tax rate is 8.10%, appealing to individuals and businesses looking for a low-tax environment.

Advantages with the Bahamas

  • No Personal or Corporate Income Tax: Attractive for individuals and businesses seeking tax efficiency.
  • Tourist Destination: Popular tourist destination, ideal for tourism-related businesses.
  • Stable Economy: The economy is bolstered by tourism and offshore finance.
  • Strategic Location: Proximity to the United States, beneficial for trade and business.

Best for

The Bahamas is particularly appealing to retirees, property investors, and entrepreneurs in the tourism and financial sectors. Its tax-friendly policies and beautiful locale make it an attractive destination for those seeking a relaxed lifestyle with financial benefits.

Cayman Islands: A Caribbean Haven for Tax Savers

Overall Tax Burden

The Cayman Islands have no income tax, corporate tax, or capital gains tax, with an overall tax burden of just 9.00%. This makes it one of the most tax-friendly jurisdictions globally.

Advantages with the Cayman Islands

  • Tax Neutrality: Ideal for international financial services and investments.
  • Strong Privacy Laws: Appeals to those seeking financial confidentiality.
  • Stable Political and Economic Environment: Offers a secure environment for investments.
  • World-Class Financial Services: Renowned for its banking, fund management, and insurance services.

Best for

Best suited for high-net-worth individuals, hedge fund managers, and financial institutions. The Cayman Islands’ tax neutrality and sophisticated financial services sector make it a prime location for international finance and investment.

Bahrain: Middle Eastern Modernity Meets Tax Simplicity

Overall Tax Burden

Bahrain has a low overall tax burden with no income tax and a flat corporate tax rate of 5%. The capital gains tax is also non-existent, and the VAT rate is set at 5%, making it financially appealing for businesses and individuals.

Advantages with Bahrain

  • Strategic Geographical Location: Gateway to the Gulf, facilitating business in the Middle East.
  • Diverse Economy: Beyond oil, Bahrain has investments in banking and tourism.
  • Liberal Business Environment: Encourages foreign investment and business startups.
  • Modern Infrastructure: Well-developed infrastructure supporting business activities.

Best for

Bahrain is an attractive destination for expatriates, international businesses, especially in the banking and finance sectors, and entrepreneurs looking to tap into the Middle Eastern market.

Monaco: Glamour and Tax Grace on the Riviera

Overall Tax Burden

Monaco offers a unique tax system with a flat income tax rate of 13% for certain individuals, no corporate tax for most businesses, and no capital gains tax or VAT. This makes it a haven for wealthy individuals and certain businesses.

Advantages with Monaco

  • Tax Benefits for Residents: Particularly favorable for high-net-worth individuals.
  • High Standard of Living: Known for its luxury lifestyle and high safety standards.
  • Prime Location: Situated on the French Riviera, offering a beautiful setting and climate.
  • Global Business and Cultural Hub: Attracts a diverse, international community.

Best for

Monaco is especially suitable for wealthy individuals, luxury brands, and businesses in the service industry. Its tax benefits, combined with a high standard of living, make it a coveted location for the affluent.


Overall Tax Burden

Oman has a relatively low tax burden with a flat income and corporate tax rate of 15%. There is no capital gains tax, and the VAT rate is set at 5%, presenting an attractive environment for businesses.

Advantages with Oman

  • Economic Diversification: Efforts to diversify beyond oil, creating opportunities in various sectors.
  • Strategic Location: Offers access to key trade routes in the Middle East.
  • Growing Tourism Sector: Emerging as a new destination for tourism.
  • Investment in Infrastructure: Continuous improvement in infrastructure to support business and tourism.

Best for

Oman is ideal for businesses in the energy sector, startups in technology and tourism, and investors looking to capitalize on the growing Middle Eastern market.

Vanuatu: A Pacific Tax Haven

Overall Tax Burden

Vanuatu is renowned for its negligible tax burden, having no income tax for individuals, no corporate tax, and no capital gains tax. Additionally, there’s no VAT, solidifying its status as a tax haven.

Advantages with Vanuatu

  • Tax-Free Living: Ideal for individuals and businesses looking for tax relief.
  • Natural Beauty and Lifestyle: Offers a serene environment with beautiful landscapes.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Strong privacy laws for financial dealings.
  • Growing Economic Opportunities: Emerging opportunities in agriculture and tourism.

Best for

Vanuatu is an attractive choice for expatriates, retirees, and entrepreneurs, especially those in the eco-tourism and agricultural sectors. Its relaxed lifestyle and tax-free status make it a unique destination.

Maldives: An Island Paradise with Tax Benefits

Overall Tax Burden

The Maldives has a low tax regime, with a flat income tax rate of 5% and no corporate tax. There’s also no capital gains tax, and the VAT rate is relatively low at 6%.

Advantages with the Maldives

  • Tourism-Friendly Tax System: Perfect for businesses in the hospitality sector.
  • Stunning Natural Environment: Attracts tourists and expatriates alike.
  • Investment Incentives: Offers incentives for foreign investments, especially in tourism.
  • Strategic Location: Situated in the Indian Ocean, advantageous for trade.

Best for

Ideal for tourism-related businesses, real estate investors, and individuals seeking a tropical lifestyle. The Maldives’ beautiful setting and favorable tax policies are especially enticing for the hospitality industry.

Qatar: A Middle Eastern Economic Powerhouse

Overall Tax Burden

Qatar presents a low tax environment with no income tax and a flat corporate tax rate of 10%. There is no capital gains tax and no VAT, making it financially attractive for businesses.

Advantages with Qatar

  • Economic Strength: Strong economy with significant investments in various sectors.
  • Global Business Hub: Attracts international businesses and expatriates.
  • Rich Cultural Heritage: Offers a blend of modernity and tradition.
  • Significant Natural Resources: Known for its oil and gas reserves.

Best for

Qatar is best suited for businesses in the energy sector, expatriates, and international corporations seeking to benefit from its strong economy and strategic location in the Middle East.

Anguilla: A Caribbean Gem with Tax Perks

Overall Tax Burden

Anguilla maintains a very low tax regime with no income tax for individuals, no corporate tax, and no capital gains tax. Additionally, there’s no VAT, enhancing its appeal as a tax-friendly jurisdiction.

Advantages with Anguilla

  • Relaxed Island Lifestyle: Ideal for those seeking tranquility and beauty.
  • Financial Privacy: Offers privacy for financial matters and investments.
  • Growing Tourism Market: Opportunities in the burgeoning tourism sector.
  • Friendly Business Environment: Encourages foreign investment and entrepreneurship.

Best for

Anguilla is particularly appealing for retirees, real estate investors, and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry. Its serene environment and tax benefits make it a desirable location for a peaceful yet lucrative lifestyle.

Turks and Caicos Islands: A Tropical Tax Haven

Overall Tax Burden

The Turks and Caicos Islands feature no income tax for individuals, no corporate tax, and no capital gains tax. The absence of VAT further cements its status as a tax haven.

Advantages with the Turks and Caicos Islands

  • Ideal for Property Investment: Attractive for real estate developments.
  • Tourism Hotspot: Booming tourism industry offers numerous opportunities.
  • Stable Investment Climate: Politically stable and economically growing.
  • Beautiful Beaches and Climate: Pristine beaches and a pleasant climate.

Best for

Perfect for real estate developers, hoteliers, and retirees. The Turks and Caicos Islands offer a combination of tax advantages and a luxurious lifestyle, making it a hotspot for those seeking both profit and paradise.

Andorra: A Pyrenean Tax Retreat

Overall Tax Burden

Andorra, nestled in the Pyrenees, offers a low tax burden with a flat income tax rate of 10% and no corporate tax for most businesses. There is also no capital gains tax, and a modest VAT rate of 4.5%.

Advantages with Andorra

  • Attractive Tax Rates: Favorable for individuals and businesses.
  • Scenic Mountainous Location: Offers a beautiful, tranquil living environment.
  • Growing Economy: Diversifying beyond tourism into sectors like banking.
  • High Quality of Life: Renowned for its excellent healthcare and living standards.

Best for

Ideal for retirees, outdoor enthusiasts, and entrepreneurs in sectors like tourism and finance. Andorra’s combination of low taxes and high quality of life is particularly appealing for those seeking a balance between business and leisure.

Cook Islands: A Pacific Oasis with Tax Advantages

Overall Tax Burden

The Cook Islands has a very favorable tax system with no income tax for individuals, no corporate tax, and no capital gains tax. Additionally, there’s no VAT, making it an attractive tax haven.

Advantages with the Cook Islands

  • Zero Income and Corporate Tax: Great for personal and business financial planning.
  • Stunning Natural Beauty: Idyllic setting for tourism and hospitality ventures.
  • Privacy and Asset Protection: Offers robust privacy laws for financial matters.
  • Developing Infrastructure: Increasing focus on improving local facilities and connectivity.

Best for

The Cook Islands are a prime choice for investors in the tourism sector, retirees, and those looking for a peaceful lifestyle. Its pristine environment and tax benefits make it an appealing destination for relaxation and business.

Jersey: A Channel Island Tax Sanctuary

Overall Tax Burden

Jersey offers a low tax environment with no income tax for most individuals and no corporate tax for most businesses. There’s also no capital gains tax or VAT, making it financially advantageous.

Advantages with Jersey

  • Favorable Tax Regime: Attracts businesses and high-net-worth individuals.
  • Strategic Location: Close to both the UK and mainland Europe.
  • Sophisticated Financial Services Sector: A hub for banking and finance.
  • High Standard of Living: Offers a safe, high-quality lifestyle.

Best for

Jersey is best for finance professionals, entrepreneurs, and retirees. Its tax regime, combined with its location and quality of life, makes it a popular choice for those in the financial services industry and those seeking a comfortable, upscale living environment.

Guernsey: A Low-Tax Channel Island Haven

Overall Tax Burden

Guernsey provides a low tax setting with no income tax for most individuals, no corporate tax for most businesses, and no capital gains tax or VAT. This positions it as a financially attractive destination.

Advantages with Guernsey

  • Attractive Tax Policies: Beneficial for personal and business finances.
  • Proximity to Major European Centers: Accessible for business and travel.
  • Robust Financial Sector: Known for its strong banking and investment services.
  • Quality of Life: Offers a secure and high-quality living environment.

Best for

Guernsey is particularly suited for financial service professionals, corporate entities, and those seeking a tranquil yet connected lifestyle. Its combination of tax benefits and high living standards makes it a sought-after location.

Saudi Arabia: A Wealthy Kingdom with Tax Benefits

Overall Tax Burden

Saudi Arabia has a moderate tax regime with a flat income tax rate of 20% for non-residents and a similar corporate tax rate. There is no capital gains tax, and the VAT rate is set at 5%.

Advantages with Saudi Arabia

  • Economic Powerhouse: Strong economy driven by oil and diversification.
  • Investment Opportunities: Numerous opportunities in various sectors.
  • Strategic Location: Key player in the Middle Eastern region.
  • Cultural Richness: Offers a unique cultural and historical experience.

Best for

Saudi Arabia is best for businesses in the energy sector, expatriates, and investors looking to tap into the growing Middle Eastern market. Its strategic location and economic strength offer numerous opportunities for business growth and development.

Samoa: A Tropical Tax-Friendly Island

Overall Tax Burden

Samoa presents a moderate tax system with a flat income tax rate of 20% and no corporate tax. There’s no capital gains tax, and the VAT rate is relatively high at 15%.

Advantages with Samoa

  • Growing Tourism Sector: Ideal for investment in the hospitality industry.
  • Cultural Richness: Offers a unique blend of traditional and modern lifestyles.
  • Strategic Location in the Pacific: Beneficial for trade and business in the region.
  • Natural Beauty: Attractive for eco-tourism and sustainable development projects.

Best for

Samoa is particularly appealing to entrepreneurs in tourism and sustainable development, as well as to individuals seeking a serene lifestyle in a culturally rich setting.

Isle of Man: A Crown Dependency with Tax Perks

Overall Tax Burden

The Isle of Man features a low tax regime with no income tax for most individuals, no corporate tax for most businesses, and no capital gains tax or VAT. This makes it financially advantageous for residents and businesses.

Advantages with the Isle of Man

  • Favorable Tax Environment: Attracts global businesses and investors.
  • Strong Financial Services Sector: Known for its banking and insurance industries.
  • High Quality of Life: Offers a safe, peaceful, and modern living environment.
  • Strategic Location: Situated between the UK and Ireland, beneficial for trade.

Best for

The Isle of Man is best suited for financial professionals, entrepreneurs, and retirees. Its advantageous tax regime and high standard of living make it a popular choice for those seeking a balance between business and quality of life.

St. Kitts and Nevis: Caribbean Tax Paradise

Overall Tax Burden

St. Kitts and Nevis offers a variable tax regime with income tax rates ranging from 0-20% and a corporate tax rate of 33.3%. There is no capital gains tax, and the VAT rate is 17%.

Advantages with St. Kitts and Nevis

  • Citizenship by Investment Program: Attracts global investors.
  • Tourism-Focused Economy: Opportunities in hospitality and real estate.
  • Beautiful Natural Setting: Ideal for a relaxed, island lifestyle.
  • Growing Business Environment: Supportive of entrepreneurship and foreign investment.

Best for

St. Kitts and Nevis is particularly attractive to high-net-worth individuals seeking citizenship options, as well as to investors and entrepreneurs in the tourism and real estate sectors.

Bermuda: An Atlantic Tax Oasis

Overall Tax Burden

Bermuda is known for having no income or capital gains tax. This applies to both residents and non-residents, and companies also do not pay tax on income or capital gains. There is no VAT, but there are other forms of taxation like payroll tax and land tax.

Advantages with Bermuda

  • Tax-Free Earnings: Attractive for businesses and high-net-worth individuals.
  • Premier Offshore Financial Center: Renowned for insurance and reinsurance.
  • Stable Political and Economic Environment: Ensures a secure investment climate.
  • Beautiful Island Lifestyle: Offers a high standard of living and natural beauty.

Best for

Bermuda is especially suitable for individuals in the finance and insurance sectors, as well as for expatriates and retirees seeking a high-quality lifestyle in a tax-friendly jurisdiction.

Samoa: A Pacific Tax-Friendly Island

Overall Tax Burden

Samoa presents a moderate tax system with a flat income tax rate of 20% and no corporate tax. There’s no capital gains tax, and the VAT rate is relatively high at 15%.

Advantages with Samoa

  • Growing Tourism Sector: Ideal for investment in the hospitality industry.
  • Cultural Richness: Offers a unique blend of traditional and modern lifestyles.
  • Strategic Location in the Pacific: Beneficial for trade and business in the region.
  • Natural Beauty: Attractive for eco-tourism and sustainable development projects.

Best for

Samoa is particularly appealing to entrepreneurs in tourism and sustainable development, as well as to individuals seeking a serene lifestyle in a culturally rich setting.


As you have learned, the top 20 lowest tax countries in the world offer attractive opportunities for individuals and businesses looking to preserve their wealth and reduce their tax burdens. From tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Monaco to low-tax paradises like the Bahamas and Andorra, these countries provide favorable tax environments that can potentially maximize your income and savings.

It’s important to note that tax planning should be conducted with the guidance of tax advisors and legal professionals to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. Relocating or investing in these countries requires careful consideration of the specific requirements and implications.

However, if you’re seeking a strategic location for low-tax planning or a tax-free oasis like the UAE, these countries can provide excellent opportunities for financial optimization. With their business-friendly environments and various tax benefits, they have emerged as thriving economic hubs in today’s globalized world.

Overall, the top 20 lowest tax countries offer a range of options for individuals and businesses seeking to optimize their financial well-being. Choose wisely and make informed decisions to take advantage of the unique opportunities presented by these countries.


What are the top 20 lowest tax countries in the world?

The top 20 lowest tax countries in the world are jurisdictions that offer favorable tax rates and incentives for individuals and businesses to minimize their tax burdens.

What is tax pressure?

Tax pressure refers to the total tax burden on individuals and businesses in a country, taking into account various taxes such as income tax, corporate tax, value-added tax (VAT), property tax, and more.

Why is the Cayman Islands considered a tax haven?

The Cayman Islands is considered a tax haven because it does not impose income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax, or inheritance tax, making it attractive for individuals and businesses seeking to benefit from its favorable tax policies.

What are the tax advantages of the Bahamas?

The Bahamas offers a favorable tax environment with no income tax, capital gains tax, or inheritance tax, making it a popular choice for individuals looking to enjoy a tropical lifestyle while minimizing their tax obligations.

What makes Bermuda a tax-friendly destination for businesses?

Bermuda is a tax-friendly destination for businesses as it does not impose income tax on residents and does not have corporate tax for companies engaged in trading and manufacturing activities, making it an appealing choice for tax-efficient business operations.

Why is Monaco considered an exclusive tax haven?

Monaco is considered an exclusive tax haven because it offers zero income tax for its residents, making it highly attractive to the wealthy elites seeking to minimize their tax liabilities.

What tax benefits does Andorra offer?

Andorra is a low-tax paradise in Europe with no income tax for individuals and various tax benefits for businesses, making it an attractive destination for those seeking a favorable tax environment.

Why is the UAE a tax-free oasis?

The UAE is a tax-free oasis with no income tax for individuals and no corporate tax for most businesses, making it a thriving economic hub and attracting entrepreneurs and professionals from around the world.

What makes Panama a strategic low-tax destination?

Panama offers a strategic location for low-tax planning, featuring no income tax on foreign-derived income and favorable tax incentives for retirees. Its robust economy and business-friendly environment make it an attractive choice for individuals and corporations.

What should I consider when choosing a low-tax country?

When choosing a low-tax country, it’s important to consult with tax advisors and legal professionals to understand the specific requirements and implications of relocating or investing in these countries. Additionally, consider your personal and business needs, as well as the overall economic and political stability of the country.


  1. The CEO Magazine – 11 Lowest Income Tax Countries in the World Right Now​.
  2. Business Insider India – The 18 Countries with the Lowest Tax Rates in the World​.
  3. – 19 Countries With Lowest Income Tax Rate​.
  4. The CEO Magazine – 11 Lowest Income Tax Countries in the World Right Now​.
  5. Tax Foundation – 2023 International Tax Competitiveness Index​.